Health Restore Therapy in Scottsdale AZ

Every Cerulean program is enhanced by hyper oxygenation therapy in our premium Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) chambers, allowing you to synergistically strengthen your immune system, improve fitness and performance, decrease inflammation, reduce oxidative stress, and improve circulation.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, otherwise known as HBOT, has been recognized by the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) as a trusted integrative treatment, with several FDA approved conditions and many off-label conditions supported by clinical studies.

By hyperoxygenating your body in our Hyperbaric Chambers, you will be able to intake oxygen levels greater than breathing air at normal atmospheric pressure, stimulating a wide variety of regenerative responses.

Check out Our Research

Select among our categories

Athletic Performance

Regain, maintain, or boost your optimal athletic abilities and performance.

Health Restore Therapy

Improve & Optimize compromised health conditions.

Brain Health

Reduce inflammation, damaged tissue, and improve microcirculation.


Accelerate healing and combat infection.

Injury Recovery

Recover or boost your optimal athletic ability and performance.


Regenerate blood vessels to accelerate tissue healing and all other stages of wound healing.

Prevention Wellness:

Optimize your immunity and reduce inflammation, pain, and fatigue.

Pre/Post Cosmetic Surgery:

Stimulate your body’s natural self-healing and accelerate surgery recovery time up to 50% faster.


Reverse biological aging, lengthening your Telomeres and remove Sensient (aging) cells.

Immunity Boost:

Activate, restore, and balance your immune system.

Health Repair Therapy

Improve & Optimize compromised health conditions.

  • William P; Freeman, DM (1998)

    Fife, William P; Freeman, DM (1998). "Treatment of Lyme disease with hyperbaric oxygen therapy". Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Annual Meeting Abstract.


Immunity Boost

Activate, restore, and balance your immune system.


De-Aging Clinical Data & Services

Reverse biological aging, lengthening your Telomeres and remove Sensient (aging) cells.

  • Aging, vol. 12, no. 22, 18 Nov. 2020, pp. 22445–22456.

    Hachmo, Yafit, et al. “Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Increases Telomere Length and Decreases Immunosenescence in Isolated Blood Cells: A Prospective Trial.” ,


Pre/Post Cosmetic Surgery

Stimulate your body’s natural self-healing and accelerate surgery recovery time up to 50% faster.


Prevention Wellness

Optimize your immunity and reduce inflammation, pain, and fatigue.


Oncology-Complications of Radiation Therapy/Radiation Tissue Damage

Regenerate blood vessels to accelerate tissue healing and all other stages of wound healing.


Athletic & Injury Recovery

Recover or boost your optimal athletic ability and performance.

Diabetes-Diabetic Ulcers

Accelerate healing and combat infection.


Brain Health-TBI/Concussion/Stroke Recovery

Reduce inflammation, damaged tissue, and improve microcirculation.


Athletic Performance

Regain, maintain, or boost your optimal athletic abilities and performance.

Cerulean Lifestyle Health Therapeutics: HBOT FDA Approved and Off Label Conditions

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has officially endorsed Hyperbaric treatment for 14 conditions, in addition to a wide variety of off-label conditions. From Cosmetic Surgery Recovery to De-Aging to Chronic Pain, click below to see how HBOT can help you!

About Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers

Achieve your true health optimization from the inside out with Cerulean’s proven protocols that create an environment that stimulates your body’s natural immune modalities. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) promotes hyper oxygenation, whereas your body will intake oxygen levels greater than breathing air at normal atmospheric pressure, stimulating a wide variety of regenerative responses. Synergistically strengthen your immune system, improve fitness and performance, accelerate recovery from injury or surgery, decrease inflammation, and improve circulation.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has been recognized by the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) as a trusted integrative treatment, with several FDA approved conditions and many off-label conditions supported by clinical studies.

Safety and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and the Cerulean difference:

  1. Medical Grade Hyperbaric Chambers: Hard-shell Sechrist Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers are medical grade and FDA approved to treat many conditions. Your safety and wellbeing are our priority and Sechrist Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers are designed and tested to be safe and specific. They are also manufactured and tested in the USA.
  2. Individualized Treatments: Sechrist Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers are mono-place chambers and allow personalized treatment with only one individual at a time in the chamber.
  3. Tailored Hyperbaric Protocols: Our hyperbaric oxygen therapy chambers allow you to optimize cognitive and physical improvements by customizing and regulating accurate oxygen levels and pressure fluctuations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Post an HBOT full session whether 1 month Program or the Anti-Aging session of 3 months, does the client feel like they are detoxing after or what is the feeling they may have? If an athlete is preparing for an event it seems important that the timing of their HBOT session is important keeping in mind the restore break after for 2-4 weeks…not having the event coincide with the restore time?
Hbot unlike cvac is not a stress to benefit therapy. There is an increase in oxidative stress over the first 10-15 minutes in which the body reacts by building extreme amounts of super oxide dismutase, other than that there is not the stressors to get reactions. The high dose oxygen causes large upregulation of collagen, fibrocytes, osteoblasts and other connective tissues. Also stops over production of cytokine so reduces inflammation. The only perceived stressor in the anti-aging Hbot protocol is relative intermittent hypoxia not true hypoxia. There is not true detox element other than that which occurs as immune modulation. Hbot is an actual epigenetic therapy so change can be measured in the lengthening of telomeres and near complete elimination of senescent cells. The clients feel subjectively more energy, less joint and muscle aches. The Effrati study shows these changes. As for athletes we try to time Hbot to end two days prior to an event, not so much for restorative time but because Hbot relaxes the sympathetic nervous system and puts you in a parasympathetic state for several hours so we don’t want someone to feel tired following a treatment need to compete. The benefit continues to increase for about 15 days following last Hbot exposure, that may be called a restorative period.
What is the difference of the Ozone treatments vs. HBOT treatments as far as how the benefits differ and the post affect feeling?
There are fundamental differences between HBOT and ozonetherapy. Although the bulk of the gas mixture is represented by 95-99% oxygen, ozonetherapy does not aim to oxygenate blood directly. Indeed, with all the procedures (AHT, EBOO, BOEX and RI), the arterial pO2 hardly increases in vivo. Yet if ozone is used properly, it has many virtues: disinfectant and immunomodulatory (cytokine release) activities, increased delivery of oxygen to hypoxic tissue through vasodilatation (NOx , CO) and possibly a shift of the HbO2 dissociation curve to the right (the venous pO2 may fall to 20 mmHg), release of growth factors (PDGF, TGF-E1, etc.) thus enhancing tissue healing, possibly hormonal release due to a sudden homeostatic change and/or a placebo effect and, most importantly, a generalized metabolic improvement with enhancement of the antioxidant defense. In short I believe HBOT is best used for ischemia, hypoxia, inflammatory issues ( such as injury, autoimmune disorders, or hypoxia induced inflammation) any neurological disorder and post-surgery and longevity.

Ozone for infections, blood cleansing any time an anti-microbial is needed, although HBOT is very antimicrobial as well the O3 molecule is stronger.
If you know for the CVAC POD, how much or the quantity that it stimulates and or increases the red blood cells and or mass?
The cycling of negative pressures will cause intermittent hypoxia. this will induce the hypoxia inducible factor 2a (HIF-2a). This will in turn cause the kidneys to promote EPO signaling the bone marrow to increase red blood cell production, up to 5%.
What is the temperature inside the CVAC POD?
The temp in the CVAC POD will start as the same as the room temp. As you decrease the pressure in the pod the temp will slightly decrease, as you add pressure it will slightly warm temp. Will vary 3-5 degrees.
What is the additional benefit of the CVAC POD as maintenance after the HBOT sessions (especially in the De-Aging Program) and/or essentially combination therapy HBOT and CVAC POD? For safety keeping them minimum at least 12 hours apart. An option in maintenance is the second day of the 2 day a week maintenance alternating in the CVAC POD.
Two days CVAC POD, two days off, one day Hbot, then two days off. Then two days CVAC POD and so on for a cycle of 10 total CVAC POD. That is a great exercise/recovery cycle after the full longevity program. After that it becomes more based on individual needs.
Detailed the incremental benefits of doing CVAC POD in combination with HBOT as they may appear to be redundant?
The combined protocol of CVAC POD and HBOT. With CVAC we see an upregulation of red blood cells, thus more oxygen carrying capacity and a more efficient use of oxygen. With HBOT we saturate tissue, plasma and hemoglobin on the red blood cell with oxygen. It is like having a very small car, you can only carry 2 people. CVAC gives you a bigger car, maybe a 8 person capacity. HBOT gives you the extra people to transport. With the combination the benefits of HBOT not only increase but last longer. They both increase angiogenesis or growth of new blood vessels but in different mechanisms, so it is more effective than either one alone CVAC cycles negative pressure, that causes neuronal pathways to open up. This allows synovial fluid to wash out debris that blocks neuronal transmission. This is much like REM sleep. HBOT opens NEW neuronal pathways and repair damaged neurons so combined they clean pathways, create new pathways, repair damaged pathways making a more complete neuronal, thus cognitive improvement. CVAC will cause the bone marrow to build more stem cells, HBOT will also build more in a different way so you get more combined, then HBOT will mobilize those stem cells by 800%. Stem cell therapy is a numbers game, although quality is vital as well, since we cannot culture stem cells in the U.S. to increase the number, we can do this with the combination and enhanced delivery with the combination of the two therapies. with CVAC we actually increase the VO2 max, normalize blood glucose and can lose weight with the exercise part of CVAC . HBOT does not do these things. HBOT can heal tissue, build collagen, and all connective tissue, reverse necrosis, and gas gangrene. Heal 30-50% faster. Also, extremely anti-microbial These two greatly enhance each other

All text, images and other content found on this webpage are created for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice, evaluation, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding content on this webpage.

Immune Boost

The following studies demonstrate the effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on telomeres and cell senesence.

  • Aging, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 22

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trialYafit Hachmo, Amir Hadanny, Ramzia Abu Hamed, Malka Daniel-Kotovsky, Merav Catalogna, Gregory Fishlev, Erez Lang, Nir Polak, Keren Doenyas, Mony Friedman, Yonatan Zemel, Yair Bechor, Shai Efrati

  • Aging, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 22

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trialYafit Hachmo, Amir Hadanny, Ramzia Abu Hamed, Malka Daniel-Kotovsky, Merav Catalogna, Gregory Fishlev, Erez Lang, Nir Polak, Keren Doenyas, Mony Friedman, Yonatan Zemel, Yair Bechor, Shai Efrati


The following studies demonstrate the effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on telomeres and cell senesence.

  • Aging, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 22

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trialYafit Hachmo, Amir Hadanny, Ramzia Abu Hamed, Malka Daniel-Kotovsky, Merav Catalogna, Gregory Fishlev, Erez Lang, Nir Polak, Keren Doenyas, Mony Friedman, Yonatan Zemel, Yair Bechor, Shai Efrati

  • Aging, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 22

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trialYafit Hachmo, Amir Hadanny, Ramzia Abu Hamed, Malka Daniel-Kotovsky, Merav Catalogna, Gregory Fishlev, Erez Lang, Nir Polak, Keren Doenyas, Mony Friedman, Yonatan Zemel, Yair Bechor, Shai Efrati


The following studies demonstrate the effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on telomeres and cell senesence.

  • Aging, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 22

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trialYafit Hachmo, Amir Hadanny, Ramzia Abu Hamed, Malka Daniel-Kotovsky, Merav Catalogna, Gregory Fishlev, Erez Lang, Nir Polak, Keren Doenyas, Mony Friedman, Yonatan Zemel, Yair Bechor, Shai Efrati

  • Aging, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 22

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trialYafit Hachmo, Amir Hadanny, Ramzia Abu Hamed, Malka Daniel-Kotovsky, Merav Catalogna, Gregory Fishlev, Erez Lang, Nir Polak, Keren Doenyas, Mony Friedman, Yonatan Zemel, Yair Bechor, Shai Efrati

Prevention Wellness

The following studies demonstrate the effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on telomeres and cell senesence.

  • Aging, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 22

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trialYafit Hachmo, Amir Hadanny, Ramzia Abu Hamed, Malka Daniel-Kotovsky, Merav Catalogna, Gregory Fishlev, Erez Lang, Nir Polak, Keren Doenyas, Mony Friedman, Yonatan Zemel, Yair Bechor, Shai Efrati

  • Aging, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 22

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trialYafit Hachmo, Amir Hadanny, Ramzia Abu Hamed, Malka Daniel-Kotovsky, Merav Catalogna, Gregory Fishlev, Erez Lang, Nir Polak, Keren Doenyas, Mony Friedman, Yonatan Zemel, Yair Bechor, Shai Efrati


The following studies demonstrate the effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on telomeres and cell senesence.

  • Aging, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 22

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trialYafit Hachmo, Amir Hadanny, Ramzia Abu Hamed, Malka Daniel-Kotovsky, Merav Catalogna, Gregory Fishlev, Erez Lang, Nir Polak, Keren Doenyas, Mony Friedman, Yonatan Zemel, Yair Bechor, Shai Efrati

  • Aging, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 22

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trialYafit Hachmo, Amir Hadanny, Ramzia Abu Hamed, Malka Daniel-Kotovsky, Merav Catalogna, Gregory Fishlev, Erez Lang, Nir Polak, Keren Doenyas, Mony Friedman, Yonatan Zemel, Yair Bechor, Shai Efrati

Injury Recovery

The following studies demonstrate the effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on telomeres and cell senesence.

  • Aging, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 22

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trialYafit Hachmo, Amir Hadanny, Ramzia Abu Hamed, Malka Daniel-Kotovsky, Merav Catalogna, Gregory Fishlev, Erez Lang, Nir Polak, Keren Doenyas, Mony Friedman, Yonatan Zemel, Yair Bechor, Shai Efrati

  • Aging, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 22

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trialYafit Hachmo, Amir Hadanny, Ramzia Abu Hamed, Malka Daniel-Kotovsky, Merav Catalogna, Gregory Fishlev, Erez Lang, Nir Polak, Keren Doenyas, Mony Friedman, Yonatan Zemel, Yair Bechor, Shai Efrati

Diabetes Health

The following studies demonstrate the effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on telomeres and cell senesence.

  • Aging, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 22

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trialYafit Hachmo, Amir Hadanny, Ramzia Abu Hamed, Malka Daniel-Kotovsky, Merav Catalogna, Gregory Fishlev, Erez Lang, Nir Polak, Keren Doenyas, Mony Friedman, Yonatan Zemel, Yair Bechor, Shai Efrati

  • Aging, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 22

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trialYafit Hachmo, Amir Hadanny, Ramzia Abu Hamed, Malka Daniel-Kotovsky, Merav Catalogna, Gregory Fishlev, Erez Lang, Nir Polak, Keren Doenyas, Mony Friedman, Yonatan Zemel, Yair Bechor, Shai Efrati

Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery

The following studies demonstrate the effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on telomeres and cell senesence.

  • Aging, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 22

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trialYafit Hachmo, Amir Hadanny, Ramzia Abu Hamed, Malka Daniel-Kotovsky, Merav Catalogna, Gregory Fishlev, Erez Lang, Nir Polak, Keren Doenyas, Mony Friedman, Yonatan Zemel, Yair Bechor, Shai Efrati

  • Aging, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 22

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trialYafit Hachmo, Amir Hadanny, Ramzia Abu Hamed, Malka Daniel-Kotovsky, Merav Catalogna, Gregory Fishlev, Erez Lang, Nir Polak, Keren Doenyas, Mony Friedman, Yonatan Zemel, Yair Bechor, Shai Efrati


The following studies demonstrate the effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on telomeres and cell senesence.

  • Aging, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 22

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trialYafit Hachmo, Amir Hadanny, Ramzia Abu Hamed, Malka Daniel-Kotovsky, Merav Catalogna, Gregory Fishlev, Erez Lang, Nir Polak, Keren Doenyas, Mony Friedman, Yonatan Zemel, Yair Bechor, Shai Efrati

  • Aging, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 22

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trialYafit Hachmo, Amir Hadanny, Ramzia Abu Hamed, Malka Daniel-Kotovsky, Merav Catalogna, Gregory Fishlev, Erez Lang, Nir Polak, Keren Doenyas, Mony Friedman, Yonatan Zemel, Yair Bechor, Shai Efrati