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Wellness and Longevity

6 Simple Ways To Stay Hydrated

Let’s get going. We completely understand that life gets busy, drinking enough water can easily slip your mind. Besides the obvious feeling of being thirsty (which means it is already too late), other indications of dehydration include dry mouth, tiredness, urine is more yellowish than normal, headache, dry skin and dizziness. More severe symptoms of dehydration […]

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5 Weight Loss Myths You Need To Stop Believing

There is just so much bad advice out there, we wanted to make sure that you are informed about these weight loss myths. “All calories are created equal” – While it is true that a calorie is simply a measure of energy, which means that all calories have the same energy content; this is a

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What Is Oxidative Stress And Why Is It Important For You To Manage?

What is Oxidative Stress? Oxidative stress has been found to be an underlying cause of cancer, which is why it is so crucial to be informed about how you can manage oxidative stress in your body. As we breathe in oxygen, our bodies process (or metabolize) the oxygen and our cells produce energy from it.

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Why You Need To Sleep More In 2018

A lifestyle of being constantly on the go, always busy and very little sleep has in the past been placed on a pedestal as a means of achieving big goals. In fact, American adults report sleeping an average of 6.7 hours a night — less than the minimum recommendation of seven to nine hours. Thankfully,

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Number One Tip For Sticking To Your New Year’s Resolution

Happy New Year everyone! Excitement and motivation is high and New Year’s resolutions are at the forefront of everyone’s mind. This is the perfect time to start taking on those health and fitness goals you have been longing to achieve. But, what happens when the excitement dies? What happens when you start to feel like

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How Does Dehydration Affect The Aging Process?

The biggest organ in your body is your skin. It is already well known that lack of water causes the bodies organs to shut down, you can imagine the effect dehydration can have on your skin. When your skin is dehydrated its defenses are weakened which leads to skin sensitivity, irritation and premature aging. Balanced

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How Quickly Are You Aging?

Have you ever asked yourself the question, “how quickly am I aging?” It’s a pretty normal thing to wonder, will you be one of those men or women who looks younger than their age forever? Or, will your friends be shocked at your next school reunion? Well guess what, with today’s technology you actually can

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I’m Eating Healthy, Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

You did it! You finally decided to commit to a healthy eating lifestyle. You eat super healthy, step on the scale and are shocked to see you gained weight. Or, maybe you are already committed to a fitness routine, you are eating healthy but you hit a wall. You feel like this must be as

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8 Ways To Break Out Of A Workout Rut

Are you experiencing a work out rut? Staying consistent with your fitness routine over a long period of time can be difficult. Especially if you just got back from vacation or something happens to break your routine, or maybe you just get bored with the same old routine. Don’t worry, this can happen to everyone!

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7 Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Should Add To Your Grocery List

Inflammation is one of our favorite topics here at CERULEAN. In the past we have shared with you ingredients that increase inflammation in the body and we have explained why the pains you are experiencing may be caused by inflammation. It is exciting to see that anti-inflammatory foods are becoming a major health trend. Considering

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