November 2017

rmr metabolism

How Quickly Are You Aging?

Have you ever asked yourself the question, “how quickly am I aging?” It’s a pretty normal thing to wonder, will you be one of those men or women who looks younger than their age forever? Or, will your friends be shocked at your next school reunion? Well guess what, with today’s technology you actually can […]

How Quickly Are You Aging? Read More »

phoenix hbo therapy benefits

I’m Eating Healthy, Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

You did it! You finally decided to commit to a healthy eating lifestyle. You eat super healthy, step on the scale and are shocked to see you gained weight. Or, maybe you are already committed to a fitness routine, you are eating healthy but you hit a wall. You feel like this must be as

I’m Eating Healthy, Why Can’t I Lose Weight? Read More »

what is rmr in nutrition

Why Your Scale Is Not The Best Way To Track Progress

Are you obsessed with the number on your scale? Specifically, decreasing that number? Well, we are here to tell you it’s time to throw it out. The number you see when you look down is not telling you the whole picture when it comes to your unique body and overall health. Lift your head up;

Why Your Scale Is Not The Best Way To Track Progress Read More »